Like An Ocean

Like an ocean, uncertain,
Weather affecting current,
Courses chartered led astern,
How lives could be lost -
In a fleeting moment.

Black of night and hope for shore,
Guided by a distant light -
Perhaps nothing more;
Though fear reaps through everyone's core,
With the ocean song, spirits soar.

Come the dawn, the ocean mends,
A victorious journey in the end;
The folly of forecast causes one to tend -
To trust in captain, crew, and friend.

– written as I looked out at the vast blue ocean from my stateroom balcony (26.12.23)

As the year 2023 draws to a close, I took some time to relax and reflect on the year gone by. Like the ocean – there were high tides and low tides, and moments that anchored me. To every part of that wave, come what may, there has always been a guiding force to help steer and keep my head above water.

Which brings me back to the word and purpose that I’ve set for earlier this year – Support.

With that, words cannot describe how grateful I am for the unwavering support and trust from fellow teammates and cross-functional colleagues near and far. Each of you brings your own unique skills and perspectives, which inspires me to continuously push beyond my limits. A heartfelt mention also goes out to my manager, Taka-san who has unfailingly provided the guidance and wisdom throughout the journey, and has been an icon of dedication that I have much respect for.

If there could be one takeaway from the learnings thus far, that word would be “Resilience“.

By setting the course for 2024 with this mission in mind, I am excited for what is to come. Onwards to overcoming challenges and achieving triumphs together!

2 thoughts on “Like An Ocean

  1. Hi cutie, I try leaving a comment but usually not successful. Hence tot better write it here. So true well composed poem! While reading it a wave of emotion hit me as it touches my soul…that vry moment felt sad, happy, peace as it reflects my life too. Like the Ocean…n as u age, u realised every moments is so vry important n treasured as like the Ocean…it can b calm at one moment n yet in a split moment…wave hit u. No matter…keep going n look forward…Cutie…here mom wishing u all the best fr 2024 n may all great things come knocking on ur door wth more achievements n success! Rmbr to stay humble n grounded plus aso pause to smell the roses . Take great care n lv u lots. Muaksss ❤️😘😘

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  2. I am glad year 2023 has been kind to you and us. Your deserved all the rewards and credits from your hard work n value adding contributions. Keep going once you set your targets. May the new year 2024 brings more opportunities for you. Keep fit and just follow the flow.


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