“Quiet The Mind and The Soul Will Speak”

Two weeks in,
What a rollercoaster it has been!
Some days bright,
Some days were as dark as night.

10K Runs, 5K Spartans,
No sweat, no slack!
But a recent 8K run -
Got me a panic attack.

Disbelief, denial,
Dreadful, depressing,
Thoughts in passing,
Just never seeing the blessing.

What happened to the good days?
Where was Mr Sunshine?
Why can't we celebrate the small wins,
Instead of the might-have-beens?

The ups and downs,
The ebb and flow in life,
Makes us human,
And lights us up inside.

Writing this from my nephew's bedroom in Leicester on a beautiful spring evening.

Note: Photo above was taken at Sensō-ji, Asakusa during my trip to Tokyo with my sister. As we were exploring the temple grounds, I stopped in my tracks to capture this photo of a stone lantern; which shadow resembled a laughing Buddha.

The title of this post was also chosen from the quote of The Buddha.

The poem above encapsulates my thoughts and experiences during Week 2 of The Artist’s Way. And sometimes…we got to take one step back for every two steps forward.

Join me below as I delve into each part in more detail: The 8K Run, Rollercoaster of Emotions, and Celebrating Small Wins!

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